After losing weight, most people regain it (plus more!) You have most likely tried all sorts of diets and weight loss strategies already. Chances are that anytime you have found one that ‘works’ and lost weight, you have eventually gained it again (plus a bit extra). Diets are hard work and often leave you feeling like you don’t have enough will power. You probably know exactly what you ‘should’ be doing but find that you can’t follow through long term and with each failed attempt, you feel more depressed and hopeless about your weight.
There is hope! It is essential that we learn what is getting in the way of your attempts to be healthy. For example it could be binge eating or emotional eating. You might have problems prioritising your own needs and being assertive about them. Once we work this out together, Louisa will tailor a program for you to help you on your journey to better health and a more satisfying relationship with food and your body.
You will:
Weight is a complex problem and despite what the latest book or weight loss problem will tell you – there is no single solution or quick fix. It is different for different people.